Frequently Asked Questions
How much do you charge?
Fine tuning ( 2hours appointments that included minor adjustments and vacuuming)
Tuning fee starts $240(usually for Upright, before 2hours job), $270(Baby Grand, before 2hours job) and $290(Grand,before 2hours job) / pitch rasing
or lowering is INCLUDED.
Please note that if your piano has not been tuned reg ulary (1 or 2timesper year),
an addtional appointment might be needed in 1 ~ 3months period.
How often must pianos be tuned?
Almost all manufacturers recommend that pianos should be regulary tuned 2 times per year.
I get numerous calls from people who have had their pianos tuned only once per year.
How to clean a piano comprehensively?
(Dirts and grim inside?)
While I do understand the expenses that come with tuning a piano, I recommend customers should clean their pianos THOROUGHLY INSIDE at least once every 5 years.
My piano cleaning service cost starting from $60(Upright), $100(Grand). However, extra charges may arise depending on the condition of your piano.
The results are SPECTACULAR !